When I was 26 years old, it was the last year before I met Christie. I like to call it 2006 BC. What does this have to do with anything? Well, Christie turns 26 tomorrow, which means I am really old, & she is still very young, & beautiful & caring & sweet & many many other things. Happy Birthday, my sweet wife. I love you.
Five Favorite Songs of the Day
He's Funny That Way-Coleman Hawkins
Each Coming Night-Iron & Wine, Our Endless Numbered Days
Love & Some Verses-Our Endless Numbered Days
The Last Song I Will Write-Jason Isbell & the 400 Unit
Go ahead, if you want & go out to a bar, your favorite restaurant, to a movie, a show, a sporting event, whatever you want, but for me, I'll take a simple Saturday night with my favorite meal my favorite doggie & my favorite wife. In bed by 10:00.
Five Favorite Songs of the Day
All That Matters-Mark Knopfler, Shangri-La
My darling girl My darling girl You're all that matters In this wicked world All that matters All that matters My darling boy My darling boy All of my sunshine And all of my joy You're all that matters All that matters
Well, I can't stop the pain When it calls I'm a man And I can't stop the rain When it falls, my darling Who can?
My darling girl My darling girl You're all that matters In this wicked world All that matters All that matters My darling friend My darling friend All we've got going Is love in the end It's all that matters All that matters
On Friday night, 800 or so of some of the strangest people you'd ever see crammed into the Calvin College Chapel. The average age looked to be about 20, young kids with '70s era suits, mustaches, skin tight pants, knit caps covering unwashed dreads, black eyeliner, not the kind of thing you see on the streets of Grand Haven & certainly not the kind of thing you would expect to see on the campus of Calvin College. They were all there to see the strangest character of them all, Joanna Newsom. They sat quietly in rapt attention to every oddly turned phrase, every manic strum of harp & every spine chilling warble that came out of her mouth. Her backing band included a mad scientist drummer in a three piece suit sans shoes & socks, a handsomely dressed trombone player with an average of about 20 seconds of playing time per song, two attractive looking violin players & a guitarists/banjo player (the brother of the mad scientist drummer) who at times played indistinguishably from the star of the show.
This is no freak show, as you might expect, the harp playing is no novelty act for wierd people who are looking for something wierd to listen to. This is a finely tuned, finely rehearsed cast of characters playing music, the likes of which you've never heard. Let me say that again, you've never heard music like this ever before, & if these people should retire & decide to become pharmaceutical sales reps, you'll probably never hear anything like this ever again. If you had to pin it down & put it in a box, it would combine both the elements of an opera & a folk song.
As talented as Newsom is as a harpist, piano player & songwriter, her greatest strength as a performer comes as a singer. Her odd voice effortlessly lilts between sharply & smoothly sung syllables. The lyrics aren't easily decipherable most of the time, but they are sung in such a way that makes you want to look them up & read them, & when you do, you aren't disappointed. Let me end by saying one more time, you've never heard anything like this before.
Five Favorite Songs of the Day
Occident-Joanna Newsom, Have One on Me
Mercy me, the night is long Take my pen to write you this song Lord, is it harder to carry on Or to know when you are done
All my life, I’ve felt as though I'm inside a beautiful memory Replaying with the sound turned down low
Long-life, show your face Slow-heart, curb your taste Smoke me out of my hiding place Long-life, state your case
What in the world are we waiting for Building glowing cities along the shore Where the wind batters in Baiting my kin like a matador
So much value, placed upon What lies just beyond our plans Waving my handkerchief Running along, till the end of the sand
Long-life, speak your name I'm so tired of the guessing game But, something is moving Just out of frame Slow-heart, brace and aim
Breaching slowly, across the sea One mast, a flash, like the stinger of a bee To take you away A swarming fleet Is gonna take you from me
The universe is getting loose Sodden spread from some leaden disuse Rushing, unhinged, toward diminishing lights Like a headless caboose
I'll wait for you alongside the ocean And make do with my no-skin But then, Long-life, will you let me in And then, Slow-heart, are you gonna know him
Long-life, speak your name I wait, while I decry the wait And when I die, may I relate Slow heart, congregate
To leave your home and your family For some distortion of property Well, darling, I can't go But you may stay Here, with me
Not Dark Yet-Bob Dylan, Osaka Japan
Baby Birch-Joanna Newsom, Have One on Me
The Book of Right On-Joanna Newsom, The Milk Eyed Mendor